

Acarophobia-Fear of insects
Acrophobia-Unusual fear of heights
Affability-friendly; courteous
Aichmophobia-Fear of pins
Ailurophobia-Fear of cats
Algophobia-fear of pain
Amathophobia-Fear of dirt
Amaxophobia-Fear of riding
Anarchist-a person who rebels against any authority
Anemophobia-Fear of wind/air
Animus –hostility; ill feeling
Anthropophobia-Abnormal fear of people or society
Aplomb-self assurance
Ardent-eager ; passionate
Ascetic –severely abstinent / self –denying (increased self control)
Astraphobia –morbid fear of thunder storms
Autophobia-fear of being alone
Avarice-greed for wealth
Basphobia-fear of walking
Bellowing-deep loud roar
Belonephobia-Fear of pins
Benevolence-kind and helpful; charitable
Bereavement-deprive of friend or relative esp by death
Blasphemy-talk irreverently about
Brontophobia-fear of thunder storm
Calumniate-slander/ malicious misrepresentation
Catoptrophobia-Fear of mirrors
Chagrin-acute vexation/ disappointment.
Charlatan-falsely claiming knowledge or skill
Circumspection- Cautious/ taking everything into account
Clairaudient- The ability to hear sounds and voices that are outside of the natural range of hearing.
Condescending attitude-graciously consent to do a thing while showing one’s superiority/to be on equal terms with
Conformism-conventional; person who confirms to conventional practice
Contemptuous-showing contempt ( feeling that a person deserves reproach)
Culpability-deserving blame
Cynical-person with pessimistic view of human nature
Cynophobia-fear of dogs
Debauchery-excessive sensual indulgence
Defiant-open disobedience; bold resistance
Depreciation-decline in value
Despotic-absolute ruler; tyrant
Discernment-having good judgement or insight
Dotage-feeble minded senility
Dromomania-pathologically strong desire to travel
Encopresis-involuntary passage of faeces
Ergasiaphobia-fear of responsibility/work
Exasperated-irritate intensely
Fanaticism-bsessively devoted to a belief
Fervent-intense/ ardent
Foppish-man excessively devoted to style and fashion
Frivolous-not serious/ silly
Gluttony-excessive eater/ insatiably eager person
Haphephobia-Fear of being touched
Imperious-over bearing; domineering
Impertinence-irrelevant;insolentImpetuous-acting rashly/ suddenly
Importunate-making persistent requests
Improvident-lacking foresight; wasteful
Imprudence-rash; indiscreet
Impudent-impertinent(irrelevant)Inexorable-relentless [relent-yield to compassion]
Intriguer-one who does underhand plotting; secret arrangement
Laconic-using few words
Litigious-contentious[ quarrelsome]
Lypothymia-a condition or feeling of faintness
Mendacity-lying; untruthful
Mysophobia-pathological fear of contamination or germs
Obsequious-exhibiting servile compliance; obedient in a servile manner
Obtunded-dull; less than full mental capacity
Pavor nocturnes-night terrors esp seen in children
Pedant-person who insists on strict adherence to formal rules
Perfidious-breach of faith
Pertinacity-persistent; obstinate
Petulant-impatient/ irritable
Ponophobia –fear of fatigue esp through over work
Presumptuous-unduly confident; arrogant
Reticent-avoidance of saying all one knows or feels; taciturnity
Reveling-make merry
Scorned-contempt; reject or refuse to do as worthy
Servile-like slave; subservient
Taphephobia-fear of being buried alive
Temerity-rashness; audacity
Tipsy-slightly drunk; showing intoxication
Usurer-person who lends money at exorbitant or illegal rate
Vacillation-fluctuate in opinion/ resolution
Vagabond-wanderer; having no home
Vanity-unreal thing; conceit about one’s attainment or appearance
Xenophobia-unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers